
These are the proposed bills NDPERS is following during the 69th Legislative Assembly. Visit the Legislative Assembly site for additional information on all proposed bills. 


Bill No. & Latest UpdateDescription of the Bill Position of the NDPERS Board
HB 1023Provides an appropriation for the NDPERS budget.Support  
HB 1031Legislative Management technical correction billSupport  
HB 1077Clarifies the definition of security officer for the National Guard for retirement plan eligibility.Neutral
HB 1112Revises the definition of firefighter to include state firefighters for membership in the Public Safety Plan.Neutral
HB 1113Relates to payment of administrative expenses for the public employees retirement system deferred compensation plan.Support
HB 1114Relates to health insurance coverage of insulin drugs and diabetic supplies.Support continuing coverage under NDPERS
HB 1146Allows political subdivisions to join the NDPERS Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. Defines state employer/governmental unit for Actuarially Determined Employer Contribution (ADEC) and special election incentive. Requires both in-plan and out-of-plan annuity options for the NDPERS Defined Contribution Plan. Neutral
HB 1177Revises the definition of correctional officer for purposes of the public employees retirement system.Neutral
HB 1216Relates to out-of-pocket expenses for prescriptions drugs.Neutral
HB 1234Provides a transfer of funds from the strategic investments and improvements fund to the NDPERS Main Retirement Plan.Support
HB 1248Removes health and retiree health plans for state employees and employees of political subdivisions from the duties of the employee benefits programs committee. Repeals insurance mandate process. Neutral due to amendment
HB 1274Expands the eligibility of the public safety retirement plan to include [state] correctional officers of governmental units.Neutral
HB 1282Relates to public employee fertility health benefits.Neutral
HB 1283Relates to public employee diagnostic breast examination and supplemental breast examination cost-sharing restrictions.Neutral
HB 1284Relates to public employee fertility preservation health benefits.Neutral
HB 1371Allows retired peace officers with 20 years or more of employment to join the NDPERS non-Medicare retiree plan. Eligible retirees cannot be charged any portion of premium.Neutral
HB 1419Revises correctional officer definition and expands eligibility in the public safety retirement plan to include dispatchers and medical services personnel.Neutral
HB 1452Provides coverage of anti-obesity medication. Neutral
HB 1602Relates to political subdivision participation in the NDPERS Defined Contribution Retirement Plan.Neutral
SB 2119Clarifies that a member cannot apply for a disability retirement benefit if they have reached their normal retirement age or date.Support
SB 2120Provides for a transfer to the highway patrol troopers' retirement system fund.Support
SB 2121NDPERS technical correction billSupport
SB 2160Relates to health insurance benefits coverage provided by the NDPERS uniform group insurance program and ACA large employer group mandated coverage for state and pre-Medicare groups.Neutral
SB 2227Relates to NDPERS retirees returning to work with the same employer, waiving actively contributing to retirement, and continue retiree payments.Neutral due to amendment
SB 2248Relates to step therapy protocols.Neutral
SB 2249Relates to step therapy protocols exceptions.Neutral
SB 2370Relates to individual and group health insurance coverage of insulin drugs and diabetic supplies.Support continuing coverage under NDPERS